He drives her home and says he feels like hitting her. She is also surprised to see that Eric and Rebecca have an adopted Black daughter. Edie agrees, but is surprised to learn that Rebecca and Eric are having their 14th wedding anniversary party. Rebecca chases her, then falls down in the grass. In the present moment, she runs away from Rebecca. In Chapter Three, Edie remembers her youth in Latham. She sneaks into his house when she thinks no one is home, but runs into Rebecca. After, he ignores her calls and messages for a week. He immediately apologizes, but she tells him she likes it. Edie tries to seduce him in a public restroom, and he rejects her. Over the next few weeks, they go on several dates, but they do not have sex.

He gives her a list of rules written by his wife, including that he cannot have sex on the first date, that he cannot bring women to his home, that he must always answer his wife’s calls, and that he can only see women on the weekends. She previously developed feelings for Mark, but he stopped talking to her after her father died.

Edie has slept with dozens of men at her office. She wants to work in the art department, but they continually reject her when she applies. In Chapter Two, Edie goes to work at the publishing house where she is an editorial coordinator for the children’s division. It is the first time she has painted in two years. She goes upstairs and paints his portrait. He drives her home and she invites him up, but he declines and asks to see her later that week. Edie is enamored with Eric because he asks her genuine questions about herself and her day. They spend the day at an amusement park, and then get drinks together. When Edie and Eric finally meet, a month later, both feel awkward about the collision of fantasy with reality. He and his wife, Rebecca, have recently decided to open their marriage up. Eric tells Edie that he has been married for 13 years. They share secrets and truths about one another through the internet, and even have virtual sex. She meets Eric online and begins a relationship she believes is vulnerable and honest. Edie is a 23-year-old woman who lives and works in New York. The novel is narrated by Edie in the present-tense. The following version of this book was used to create this study guide: Leilani, Raven.